Online Poker Tournament Strategy | Sit N Go | Poker Satellites - Best Poker Tools and Calculators | Online Poker Software Tools Want To Keep Ahead Of The Competition? The Best Poker Tools And Calculators Here Will Give You The Edge That You Need en Approved Online Poker Tools <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Many Tools Are Banned Or Restricted By The Major Poker Sites<br /> – This List Of Approved Poker Tools Shows You Which Are Fine To Use!</h2> <p>With so many online poker software tools to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones are fine to use and which are banned by the major poker sites. With the threat of frozen accounts, or even frozen bankrolls – it makes sense to do your homework on this subject!</p> <p>This article lists the leading poker tools, giving an explanation of what each does and who will benefit the most and links to the review for more information. I’ll cover a range of tools including calculators, heads-up displays and beginner ‘advice engines’. All of the tools listed below have the approval of the major poker sites.</p> <p>If you are unsure of which tools are approved, the best place to head is the PokerStars website. Stars are considered the strictest site when it comes to fair use of 3rd party poker software, and if a particular product is on their list then you can be confident that it is ok to use at the other major sites too. <strong></strong></p> <h3>Approved Online Poker Tools List - Key Software </h3> <p><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong>Poker Calculator Pro:</strong></span> This is a ‘best of breed’ online poker calculator, it provides you odds and calculations in real time and is unrivalled when it comes to a tool to improve your game by learning the math of different situations when away from the tables. This tool helps you cut out all those long-term negative equity plays’ at the table. Cash game players will love this one, just plug in some ranges and get an instant edge over your opponents by understanding the finer elements of equity in different situations. This tool comes from the highly acclaimed ‘Poker Pro Labs’ and really is the best calculator there is. Check out my <strong><a href="">review here</a></strong> or see the <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow">full spec here</a></strong>.</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong>Holdem Manager 2:</strong></span> A favorite among poker pros in both cash games and tournaments – this is the most powerful database / heads-up-display combo you can buy. It collects data on opponents for every hand you play, displaying their statistics alongside their avatar. This shows you how tight they are, how aggressive, how often they 3 bet and 4 bet, how often they continuation bet or defend blinds… and more. With this info you can quickly adapt your play to exploit a particular opponent’s weak points. It also quickly highlights who the ‘fish’ are so you can focus on them. With a database of your own hands you will also be able to find your own leaks and weaknesses – and hopefully plug them! With a ton of add-on apps this really is the real-deal, if you are playing without it then you are at a serious disadvantage at the tables. See my <strong><a href="">Holdem Manager 2 Review</a></strong> for more info, or check out their website for yourself <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a></strong>.</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong>Tournament Indicator:</strong></span> This approved poker tool is an advice engine which is very well suited to beginners. This tracks opponents and uses an algo based on Dan Harrington’s ‘M’ to advise you on the best play. It does not play for you, which keeps it on the good side of the poker sites. What this tool does is stop you making mistakes while you learn the strategy for different stages of tournament play. My advice is to stay tuned to the advice offered, and try and work out why that is the (mathematically) correct play. After a while you will see patterns, and can eventually stop using this tool altogether. A great way to cash in some tournaments while you are learning the game! My <strong><a href="">review is here</a></strong>, or you can see some screenshots over at the <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow">Tournament Indicator Website</a></strong>. (The screenshot below shows you some of the information available from Tournament Indicator)</p> <p class="rtecenter"><img alt="Tournament Indicator Approved Tools Article" src="" /></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong>Tournament Shark:</strong></span> This is awesome for both multi-table tournaments and Sit N Goes. Tournament Shark attaches to your tables and shows you statistics on each opponent, allowing you to instantly know whether you are playing a hardened pro or a complete fish. This is great when you are multi-tabling, giving you that extra ‘read’ in situations where you might otherwise have had to guess. Once again this is from the Poker Pro Labs, who work hard to ensure that all of their tools are approved by the main poker sites. See my Tournament Shark Review <strong><a href="">here</a></strong> or <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out PPL now</a></strong>!</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong>Omaha Indicator: </strong></span>A tool for fans of 4 hole-cards to finish, again this one is aimed at beginning players, an again this will stop you making mistakes while you learn the game. What I like about this one is that, in addition to opponent profiling, you get a real-time Omaha odds overview. There are tons of situations in this game where the hands are closer than you think, and leaving money in the middle can be a drain on your bankroll over time. Omaha indicator will work with high and high-low variations, your game will improve spectacularly fast! See my <strong><a href="">detailed review here</a></strong> or check out the <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow">Omaha Indicator website</a></strong> for yourself.</p> <p> </p> <p>&lt;&lt; <strong><a href="">Back To The Poker Tools Main Page</a></strong></p> </div></div></div> Tue, 06 Aug 2013 07:37:42 +0000 Planet Mark 4478 at Holdem Manager 2 Review <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Holdem Manager 2 Helps You Keep Track Of Your Opponents - So You Can Focus On The Action</h2> <p><img alt="Holdem Manager 2" src="/sites/default/files/images/2012-article-graphics/holdem-manager.jpg" style="width: 150px; height: 188px; float: right;" /><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong>Update:</strong></span> (Sorry, this offer closed years ago!) Players outside of the US can now get hold of Holdem Manager Pro Edition free via OnGame's Red Kings Poker. They give away a copy as part of their welcome bonus package. There is no set amount for the deposit, the page says $500 but underneath this it states that the offer is not dependent on your deposit amount. This is a great offer, and a real chance to get some cutting-edge software for nothing. See the 'Promos' page, then follow the link (2nd from bottom on the left hand side menu) for the details. Check out <strong>Red Kings Poker</strong> for more on this great offer now!</p> <p>If you’re looking to take your poker game to the next level, <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Holdem Manager 2</a></strong> is where you want to look! This program is by far the best on the market and will instantly give you an edge over your opponents from the moment you start using it.</p> <h3>What is Holdem Manager 2?</h3> <p>Hold'em Manager 2 is an award winning piece of software that provides you with every imaginable stat possible. It automatically imports every hand of poker you play online and converts it into easy to understand stats that you can use to <a href="">improve your game</a> and understand how other players react.</p> <p>The program runs simultaneously with your poker room and displays real time stats on every player at your tables using a HUD (heads up display). It will also record all of your personal statistics so that you may go over hand histories, find leaks, and look for ways to improve.</p> <h3>The Holdem Manager HUD</h3> <p>The biggest benefit you get from using Holdem Manger is the heads up display that shows stats on your opponents while you play. The HUD can be personalized almost infinitely and will show all important stats that you need to make better decisions.</p> <p>Once you start using the HUD, you will be able to see just how often a player raises pre-flop, 3 bets, continuation bets and much, much more. The stats are even broken down to what position a player makes each play from.</p> <p>For example-The VPIP stat shows how often a player voluntarily puts money into the pot. This stat is displayed as a percentage and will also show what percent they raise or call from each position. A VPIP number may show as 22. This would mean the player calls or raises 22% of the time overall.</p> <h3>How to use the HUD?</h3> <p>Taking these numbers into account, you can make better decisions while you play. If you find that a player has a very high VPIP number, you can come to the conclusion that they are playing too many hands and have a much weaker range of starting hands.</p> <p>You can also use the positional stats to see if a player is stealing your blinds if they have a high VPIP from this position. If they have a VPIP of 50 from the button, it’s guaranteed that they are stealing more often than not. Using these stats, you can adjust your play and punish any player you go up against.</p> <p>There are literally hundreds of ways to use the HUD that will drastically improve how you play. Just imagine being able to see how every person at your table plays as soon as you sit down. That’s a huge advantage that any player would want.</p> <h3>Holdem Manager Database</h3> <p>Your database will include every hand of poker that you play while using Holdem Manager 2. The program imports hands and then breaks down every stat you can think of. These hands are shown in your reports tab which is where you will be spending most of your time.</p> <p>From here, you can begin to identify places where you may be making costly mistakes. If you <a href="">3 bet</a> too often, you can easily spot this leak and attempt to correct it. If you are losing money from a certain position, you can look to see why and fix the situation.</p> <p>You can even see how much money you’ve won or lost with each specific hand. Find the hands that are costing you money and start to tweak your game so that you can increase your winnings. Winning money not only consists of winning pots, it also involves losing as little as possible with weak hands. If you can stop a leak that has cost you $1,000, you would theoretically be adding $1,000 to your overall winnings.</p> <p>Again, there are so many ways that HM2 will help you to become a better poker player that not using it is causing you a dis-service.</p> <h3>Holdem Manager Add-Ons</h3> <p>Holdem Manager 2 also supports various add-ons that will improve the overall software and make for an even bigger advantage.</p> <p><strong>Table Ninja:</strong> This tool lets you play multiple tables with the greatest of ease. Using special hot keys, Table Ninja allows you to pre-program every aspect of your playing time and lets you focus on playing. It can register for games, auto buy in and even input a pre-set bet amount into the bet box for you. There are many ways that Table Ninja makes playing easier than ever that you need to see it to believe it.</p> <p><strong>Table Scanner:</strong>  This app searches the poker rooms you play at and finds the juiciest tables. Since playing at a table with bad players is just as important as how you play, Table Scanner will show you the best tables based on various stats. You can even join the table by clicking on it through the program.</p> <p><strong>Leak Buster:</strong> This app will help you to identify leaks by going through your database. It takes the hard work of sifting through thousands of hands out of the picture. Within seconds of running this app, Leak Buster will identify <a href="">your leaks</a> and even offer suggestions for how to fix them.</p> <p><strong>Note Caddy:</strong> This tool will take notes on players for you based on stats that are picked up through Hold Em Manager 2. If a player has bluffed the river a couple times, Note Caddy will recognize this and display the note inside your Holdem Manager 2 HUD.</p> <p><strong>Tilt Breaker:</strong> Tilt causes players to lose a ton of money. With Tilt Buster, you can deter tilt and set the program to instantly lock all tables. This means you won’t be able to play until you’re cooled off and focused. There are many other features that will basically stop you from ever losing money caused by tilt again.</p> <p>Holdem Manager 2 comes in a variety of choices. You can purchase the small stakes version that covers up to NL50. Or you could buy the full version that covers all limits which is recommended. You can also get HM for Omaha if that’s your game of choice. <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Check out Holdem Manager 2 now and see how this tool can transform your poker profits!</a></strong></p> <h4>Related Articles</h4> <ul><li> <h4><a href="">Getting The Most Out Of SNG Wiz</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">Poker Tools Main</a></h4> </li> </ul></div></div></div> Wed, 27 Mar 2013 11:20:18 +0000 Gyuris Gergő 4314 at Poker Bankroll Calculator - BR Management Tool Shows You The Right Buy-In Levels! <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Poker Bankroll Calculator – Shows What Tournament Buy-In Levels Are Right For Your Bankroll</h2> <p align="justify" class="style1">Experienced poker players use bankroll management to smooth out the natural swings in the game. This cool widget will give you a head-start on the opposition by showing you what buy-in levels are safe for your starting bankroll.</p> <p>Underneath the widget you will find an explanation of key poker bankroll management principals. And some great advice for making sure you give yourself the best possible chance of building a big balance and breaking through to the next level.</p> <script> <!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!-- var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); (function ($) { $.get("", function(response) { if( == "US") { $("div#adus").show(); } else { $("div#ad").show(); } }, "jsonp"); })(jQuery); //--><!]]> </script><div class="calculator"> <div class="basic"> <div class="upper"> <h3>POKER BANKROLL CALCULATOR</h3> </div> <div class="separator"> <div class="optionone">1</div> <span class="choose">Choose Your Game</span> <div class="checkboxes"> <div class="checkboxgroup"><label for="pro">SIT AND GOES</label> <input checked="checked" id="sng" name="poker" type="radio" value="sng" /></div> <div class="checkboxgroup"><label for="semi">TOURNAMENTS</label> <input id="mtt" name="poker" type="radio" value="mtt" /></div> <div class="checkboxgroup"><label for="rec">CASH GAMES</label> <input id="cash" name="poker" type="radio" value="cash" /></div> </div> <div class="optiontwo">2</div> <span class="choose">Type Your Current Bankroll</span> <div class="moneyinput"><script> <!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!-- function clearIt(what) { if(what.value == what.defaultValue) what.value = ''; } function setIt(what) { if(what.value == '') what.value = what.defaultValue; } //--><!]]> </script><label for="rad">$</label> <input id="bankroll" name="bankroll" onblur="setIt(this)" onfocus="clearIt(this)" type="number" value="Your current bankroll" /><div class="gobutton"><input class="submit" name="button" onclick="calc()" type="button" value="Go!" /><p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="result"> <div class="optionthree">3</div> <span class="choose choosemtt" id="choosemtt">Multi Table Tournaments</span> <span class="extipsy" id="choosemttt">High variance in poker tournaments means that 1/50th of your total bankroll is ideal for any one game. Pro tournament players need to stay strict, with average buy-ins of 1/100th of your total bankroll recommended.</span> <span class="choose choosemtt" id="choosesng">Sit and Goes</span> <span class="extipsy" id="choosesngt">For Sit N Go tournaments, play 1/30th of your total bankroll in any one game. For pros the guideline is 1/50th. Multi-table Sit N Goes and turbo games have more variance, so stay stricter for these.</span> <span class="choose choosemtt" id="choosecash">Cash Games</span> <span class="extipsy" id="choosecasht">For cash games, winning players should play with 5% of their bankroll on any one table (1/20th of the total). This can be adjusted based on your playing style and should be slightly stricter for fast-fold poker games.</span> <div class="resultmtt"> <div class="left">Average Buy-In:</div> <div id="atb">$0</div> <div class="left">Take Shots To:</div> <div id="tst">$0</div> <div class="left">Bankroll Of Buy-In:</div> <div id="nbi">0</div> </div> <div class="geo-filter"> <div class="pokerad geo-block geo-default"> <div class="optionfour">4</div> <span class="choose" id="mttad">Best Poker Site for Tournaments</span> <span class="choose" id="sngad">Best Poker Site for SNGs</span> <span class="choose" id="cashad">Best Poker Site for Cash Games</span> <div class="pokeradimg"> <p>Finding games with the softest opponents will make you way more money. Check out Party Poker - the original poker site and still the best for incredibly easy games. You’ll get £40 / €30 tokens on your first deposit with bonus code SNGPLANET + cashback paid direct to your player account every Monday. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Check out now!</strong></a></p> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Bankroll Calc Party Rec" src="/sites/default/files/images/orange-buttons/party-poker-banner-square-160-80.png" style="width: 160px; height: 80px;" /></a></div> <div class="pokeradtitan"><a href="">More on Party Poker Bonuses and Promos Here&gt;&gt;&gt;</a></div> </div> <div class="pokerad geo-block geo-us"> <div class="optionfour">4</div> <span class="choose" id="mttad">Best Poker Site for Tournaments</span> <span class="choose" id="sngad">Best Poker Site for SNGs</span> <span class="choose" id="cashad">Best Poker Site for Cash Games</span> <div class="pokeradimg"> <p>Finding games with the softest opponents will make you way more money. Check out BetOnline Poker for the easiest games of any US-friendly site. You’ll get a 200% welcome bonus + industry leading promos. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Check out now!</strong></a></p> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></div> <div class="pokeradtitan"><a href="">Read More About BetOnline &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="noresult"> <div class="optionthree">3</div> <span class="choose choosemtt" id="choosemtta">Multi Table Tournaments</span> <span class="extipsy" id="choosemttat">High variance in poker tournaments means that 1/50th of your total bankroll is ideal for any one game. Pro tournament players need to stay strict, with average buy-ins of 1/100th of your total bankroll recommended.</span> <span class="choose choosemtt" id="choosesnga">Sit and Go</span> <span class="extipsy" id="choosesngat">For Sit N Go tournaments, play 1/30th of your total bankroll in any one game. For pros the guideline is 1/50th. Multi-table Sit N Goes and turbo games have more variance, so stay stricter for these.</span> <span class="choose choosemtt" id="choosecasha">Cash Game</span> <span class="extipsy" id="choosecashat">For cash games, winning players should play with 5% of their bankroll on any one table (1/20th of the total). This can be adjusted based on your playing style and should be slightly stricter for fast-fold poker games.</span> <div class="resultmtt"> <div class="left">A bankroll of $50 or under is too small for proper bankroll management. Instead, focus on bonuses and promotions while you build your skills.</div> </div> <div class="geo-filter"> <div class="geo-block geo-default pokerad"> <div class="optionfour">4</div> <span class="choose" id="mttada">Best Poker Site for Tournaments</span> <span class="choose" id="sngada">Best Poker Site for SNGs</span> <span class="choose" id="cashada">Best Poker Site for Cash Games</span> <div class="pokeradimg"> <p>Finding games with the softest opponents will make you way more money. Check out Party Poker - the original poker site and still the best for incredibly easy games. You’ll get £40 / €30 tokens on your first deposit with bonus code SNGPLANET + cashback paid direct to your player account every Monday. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Check out now!</strong></a></p> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Bankroll Calc Party Rec" src="/sites/default/files/images/orange-buttons/party-poker-banner-square-160-80.png" style="width: 160px; height: 80px;" /></a></div> <div class="pokeradtitan"><a href="">More on Party Poker Bonuses and Promos Here&gt;&gt;&gt;</a></div> </div> <div class="geo-block geo-us pokerad"> <div class="optionfour">4</div> <span class="choose" id="mttada">Best Poker Site for Tournaments</span> <span class="choose" id="sngada">Best Poker Site for SNGs</span> <span class="choose" id="cashada">Best Poker Site for Cash Games</span> <div class="pokeradimg"> <p>Finding games with the softest opponents will make you way more money. Check out BetOnline Poker for the easiest games of any US-friendly site. You’ll get a 200% welcome bonus + industry leading promos. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Check out now!</strong></a></p> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></div> <div class="pokeradtitan"><a href="">Read More About BetOnline &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> <!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!-- function calc () { if (document.getElementById('sng').checked) { player_type = document.getElementById('sng').value; document.getElementById('choosesng').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosesngt').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('sngad').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosemtt').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosemttt').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('mttad').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecash').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecasht').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('cashad').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesnga').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosesngat').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('sngada').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosemtta').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosemttat').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('mttada').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecasha').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecashat').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('cashada').style.display = "none"; } if (document.getElementById('mtt').checked) { player_type = document.getElementById('mtt').value; document.getElementById('choosemtt').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosemttt').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('mttad').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosesng').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesngt').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('sngad').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecash').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecasht').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('cashad').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesnga').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesngat').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('sngada').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosemtta').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosemttat').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('mttada').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosecasha').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecashat').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('cashada').style.display = "none"; } if (document.getElementById('cash').checked) { player_type = document.getElementById('cash').value; document.getElementById('choosecash').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosecasht').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('cashad').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosemtt').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosemttt').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('mttad').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesng').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesngt').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('sngad').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesnga').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosesngat').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('sngada').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosemtta').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosemttat').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('mttada').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('choosecasha').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('choosecashat').style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById('cashada').style.display = "inline-block"; } var bankroll = document.getElementById("bankroll").value; if (isNaN(bankroll) || !bankroll) { alert("Please enter a number for your bankroll"); document.getElementById('noresult').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('result').style.display = "none"; } else if ( bankroll <= 50) { document.getElementById('result').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('noresult').style.display = "block"; } else if ( bankroll > 50) { document.getElementById('noresult').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('result').style.display = "block"; var atb = document.getElementById("atb"); var tst = document.getElementById("tst"); var nbi = document.getElementById("nbi"); var buy_ins = 1; var shots = 1; if (player_type == "sng") { buy_ins = 30; shots = 20; } if (player_type == "mtt") { buy_ins = 50; shots = 30; } if (player_type == "cash") { buy_ins = 20; shots = 10; } var average_buy_in = parseInt(bankroll) / buy_ins; var takeshot = bankroll / shots; atb.innerHTML = "$" + parseInt(average_buy_in, 10); tst.innerHTML = "$" + parseInt(takeshot, 10); nbi.innerHTML = buy_ins; } } //--><!]]]]><![CDATA[> //--><!]]> </script><h3 align="center" class="red style1"><b>How To Use This Poker Bankroll Calculator: </b></h3> <p>This widget will show you which buy-in levels to aim for in Sit N Goes and Tournaments. Simply put your starting bankroll and choose your player type, and you’ll see the numbers appearing.</p> <p>For multi-table tournaments, this is your average buy-in level, which can include shots at higher buy-ins as long as they are balanced with smaller buy-in games. Your ideal Sit N Go bankroll will depend on whether you are multi-tabling 5+ games.</p> <p>You’ll find some background and some practical uses of poker bankroll management below – first of all, here is an awesome deal to make sure you get that bankroll off to a flying start!</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="90" id="partners1899358" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="partners1899358" scrolling="no" src=";t=f&amp;v=1&amp;securedDomain=y" width="728"></iframe></p> <h3>Poker Bankroll Management – Overview And Practical Uses</h3> <p>The reason we need to manage our poker bankrolls is variance – the chance flip of the cards which can make a huge difference to whether you win or lose, no matter how well you play.</p> <p>Variance has undoubtedly made entire poker careers. There must be 1000’s of pros who ‘ran well’ when they first started and then built their skills later. Conversely, there will be millions of players who gave up poker after starting with a little bad luck – many of them are probably more than capable of beating the game.</p> <p>The longer you play the more you see how downswings and upswings feature in the game.</p> <p>There is only one solution for players wanting to ride out the storms and keep their poker profits steady, and that is bankroll management.</p> <h3>Bankroll Management Guidelines Seem Very Strict</h3> <p>When you are new to poker, the bankroll management guidelines seem crazy – 1% of your bankroll for tournaments? Only 5% in any one cash game? How will you ever make money with those rules.</p> <p>Well, the truth is that these numbers have come from the collective experience of millions of players over decades. It gets proven over and over again, that if you risk more of your bankroll than the general guidelines, your risk of going broke even when you are playing well shoots up.</p> <h3>Here are the general guidelines:</h3> <p>Cash Games: Play with 5% of your bankroll on any one table, this is 20 buy-ins for your current game.</p> <p>Sit N Goes: Play with 50 buy-ins for your current level.</p> <p>Tournaments: Play with 100 buy-ins for your average game.</p> <p>Pot-Limit Omaha Cash Games: Play with 30 buy-ins for your current level.</p> <h3>Poker Bankroll Management – Using These Guidelines To Take Shots</h3> <p>I recommend that you take shots at the next buy-in levels up. This can seem contradictory on a page which is showing you strict bankroll management rules – however it is not.</p> <p>The alternative is to keep building your bankroll until you have 20 / 50 or 100 buy-ins for the next level up. This can be slow, and there is no guarantee you will be able to beat the next level when you do get there.</p> <h3>I suggest that you build up 4 or 5 buy-ins for the next level instead.</h3> <p>You can then take a shot with that money. Maybe also cutting down on the number of tables you play so that you can watch the games more closely. If you win then great – you will have the bankroll to move up fast. If not then you can sit back in the games which you know you can beat, and rebuild.</p> <p>The advantage of using bankroll management to take shots is that it only takes a good run at the next level to see you move up very quickly. You could be crushing the mid-stakes while your friends are still grinding it out at the micros!</p> <h3>Poker Bankroll Management – These Factors Influence Your Final Choice Of Bankroll Level</h3> <p>Several factors influence whether you stick strictly to bankroll management guidelines – or whether you can be a little more flexible on this.</p> <h3>Can You Easily Reload?</h3> <p>If you are a recreational player who can easily reload your account with more funs if it all goes wrong, then you should relax with these guidelines a little. I’d go for 50% of the recommended levels at least as insurance against mild downswings though.</p> <h3>Are You A Maniac At The Tables?</h3> <p>Your playing style will make a big difference. At the extremes, tight and conservative players will not have the big wins too often, though will not see such swings in their bankroll either. If you are loose and aggressive then your win-rates should be higher, though your swings will be bigger – meaning you need to be stricter with bankroll management.</p> <h3>Are You An Online Poker Pro?</h3> <p>If you aspire to make poker your sole source of income, then you’ll need to take bankroll management seriously. The added pressure of needing to make regular cash-outs will benefit from a little more protection from variance.</p> <h3>Bankroll Management And Active Table Selection</h3> <p>Finally, you really need to be focused on finding the softest games if you are really going to make poker pay. Active table selection can add 20% to your hourly profits very easily (something that is hard to do with play alone!), and seeking the fishiest sites – especially those linked to sports books – can make an even bigger difference. Check out the Fish-o-Meter widget up-to-date advice on the softest sites around.</p> <p>In the meantime – do your bankroll a favor, take advantage of this great offer!</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="90" id="partners1899358" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="partners1899358" scrolling="no" src=";t=f&amp;v=1&amp;securedDomain=y" width="728"></iframe></p> <p><strong>Popular Bankroll Management Articles</strong></p> <p><span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>New!</strong></span> <strong><a href="">Poker Loyalty Schemes Comparison Widget </a></strong>- Input your games and hours played and see the rewards of the 6 biggest international sites side-by-side (you'll be surprised!!)</p> <p><span class="style1"><a href=""><b>Introduction To Bankroll Management For Sit N Goes</b></a> – Explains The Key Factors Affecting The Need For A Robust Bankroll In The SNG Games!</span></p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Beginners Guide To Bankroll Management For Poker Tournaments</b></a> – For MTT Players, Covers The Important Factors Affecting The Size Of Your ‘Roll In MTTs</p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Best SNG Bonuses</b></a> – We All Love A Bonus! This Article Goes Beyond The Headline Numbers To Compare The Best With The Rest, And Highlights Some To Avoid Too!</p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Sample Size And Confidence Intervals</b></a> – How Sure Can You Be That Your Sample Of Games Is The Result Of Skill And Not Simply Chance? Find Out Here!</p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Best Games To Build A Bankroll</b></a> – Looks At SNG Tournaments And Variations Of Different Sizes And Gives Pros And Cons Of Each For Bankroll Building.</p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Is It Possible To Be A Pro Satellite Player</b></a> – Inexperienced Fields Make Satellites Profitable, But Can These Be Used To Build A Poker Bankroll?</p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Build Your SNG Bankroll From $50</b></a> – Our Guide To Building Your SNG Bankroll From $50 to $1000’s, With The Help Of Several Top Poker Site Bonuses</p> <p class="style1"><a href=""><b>Using The Kelly Criteria For Poker Bankroll Management</b></a> – Applies The Kelly Approach To Tournaments</p> </div></div></div> Tue, 12 Feb 2013 19:58:31 +0000 Superadmin 4273 at Video - Poker Pro Labs Super-HUD <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>A Fantastic Innovation From My Favorite Poker Tools People - The Super-HUD Combines The Already Powerful Poker Calculator Pro and Tournament Shark Tools With An Easy To Use Display!</h2> <p>Poker Pro Labs have been at the cutting edge of online poker tools for many years now. While they do not have the high profile of the likes of PokerTracker or <a href="" title="Click To Read The HM2 Review">Holdem Manager</a> – those who know their products are enjoying some of the most innovative products around, products which are approved for use at the major rooms.</p> <p>Below you will find a video which explains the latest creation – Super HUD, which combines two of the products I have been recommending for a couple of years now. I'll write a summary of what you can do with this tool and the key benefits underneath the video.</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"></iframe></p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Click This Link To Visit The Poker Pro Labs and check out their awesome range of tools for yourself! </strong></a></p> <h3>Poker Pro Labs Super-HUD - What Makes This Tool Unique?</h3> <p>This HUD is different due to a powerful combination of data sources. First you get the advantage of the data from the Holdem Profiler and Top Shark Pro, which are massive databases of win / loss and ROI stats which are displayed in such a way as to be approved by PokerStars and the other major sites. Next you get to import your own hand histories, which grabs all the data from opponents you have tangled with in the past. Finally, if you have any Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker history data you can also import this into the Super-HUD. This unique combo of data-sources is just the first reason that this tool stands out...</p> <p>Next, you get to configure profiles for using the tool. For example, most players do not want to mix tournament and cash game stats, which can lead seeing stats which might lead you to the wrong decision. I also like to keep SNG data separated, especially some of the niche games like <a href="">Double-or-Nothing SNGs</a> - where players are naturally super-tight.</p> <p>Super-HUD gives you more than 70 on-screen statistics to select and allows you to configure how they are seen. I like the simple list setup of this tool. Just select and click arrows to add / remove a particular stat.</p> <p>What I really like is that you can get a 'combo deal' from the Pro Poker Labs, with a subscription to one of the tracking services, access to their world-class poker calculator (see my <a href=""><strong>Poker Calculator Pro</strong></a> review for more on this) + the Super-HUD in one package... If I know the labs you'll be in line for the latest innovations coming up as we go into 2015 too!</p> <p>Check out the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Poker Pro Labs website</a> for yourself now!</p> <p>For more reviews of the best poker tools (many for tournament and SNG fans as well as cash games) then check out my main <a href=""><strong>Poker Tools</strong></a> page.</p> </div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:19 +0000 Superadmin 2770 at Tournament Shark Review <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Both MTT And SNG Players Are Improving Their Reads And Their Profits<br /> – With The Acclaimed Tournament Shark From The Poker Pro Labs</h2> <p>Approved by all the major poker sites, Tournament Shark provides data on the tournament or SNG histories of all of your opponents in a window which attaches to the bottom of the table as you play – data which updates for each new table or new opponent in the case of an empty seat being filled in an MTT and will allow you to make better decisions against each opponent, increasing your overall profits.</p> <p>Stop and think for a moment, how much easier would it be to make profitable decisions in-game if you knew whether your opponent in the hand was a shark or a fish? How experienced they were? Whether this was their usual buy-in level, or are they taking a shot at a bigger game?</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><img alt="ournament Shark Review " src="" /></p> <p>As I are sure you will agree, this powerful information could see you making profitable decisions again and again – seeming to outplay new and experienced opponents alike, and most important of all watching your poker bankroll grow fast. Just simple things like avoiding playing weaker hands against the Sharks in each game, or betting bigger against players who call too often can make a huge difference - and can lead to a lot more deep runs.</p> <p>Major Poker rooms supported include Poker Stars, Full Tilt, OnGame and iPoker Networks. What is more you’ll enjoy the acclaimed support which Poker Pro Labs have a deserved reputation for offering and access to many of their other tools including player-rating lookups (Top Shark) and the best poker calculator around in the form of Poker Calculator Pro too (oh, and don't forget to check out <a href="">the Super-HUD!!</a>)</p> <h3>Tournament Shark Review – Key Benefits Of Tournament Shark</h3> <p><img src="" />Opponent Statistics Enable Your To Identify The Fish From The Profitable Regulars, Enabling You To Take Chips From The Fish And Avoid The Stronger Players Without A Good Hand Or Favorable Situation</p> <p><img src="" />Tournament Shark Automatically Detects And Attaches To Your Tables While You Play – No Manual Look-Ups And Very Easy To Use.</p> <p><img src="" />Works Great For Both Sit N Goes (including the many different variations) And Multi-Table Tournaments, In Fact Accurate Opponent Information Is So Valuable That It Will Pay For Itself In No Time – After That It Is Time For Pure Profits!</p> <p>I strongly recommend Tournament Shark to tournament fans, this tool is approved by all the major poker sites and can transform your profits and how you think about playing specific opponents overnight. Poker Pro Labs acclaimed tool has a free trial, and you can even get the full license for free simply by playing at a new poker site. Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><b>Tournament Shark</b></a> now and see how this tool can transform your poker profits!</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Tournament Shark" src="" /></a></p> </div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:19 +0000 Superadmin 2749 at Tournament Indicator Review <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Tournament Indicator Review Covering<br /> What This Powerful Tournament Poker Calculator Can Do To Transform Your Profits</h2> <p>While both cash game and SNG fans have benefited from poker software which is specifically tailored to their games – tournaments have until now proven tricky to create the 'perfect tool' for. Since there are many stages of tournaments requiring different skills and calculations, any ‘one-size-fits-all’ software solution would not really fit. I'm very pleased to announce that I have found a tool which can not only cope with the changing pressures of tournaments, but can help newer players learn tournament strategy while beating the games!</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><img alt="Tournament Indicator Review" src="/sites/default/files/images/tools/tournament-indicator.jpg" style="margin: 5px;" /></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Tournament Indicator</strong></a> has literally come along and changed the game – <em>this tournament poker tool</em> which assists during deep-stacked early play, those tricky middle stages and the all-in or fold portion of the game too… what is more, this is approved for use at all of the major poker sites – here I show you how Tournament Indicator can transform your long-term profits, and may even help you take down that big score you have been dreaming of!!</p> <p>I will look at the features of Tournament Indicator one-by-one and show you how these directly translate into benefits for tournament fans:</p> <ul><li> <p>“M” Calculations, Made famous by <a href="">Dan Harrington</a>, the ‘M’ score is a ratio of your stack to the blinds and antes and dramatically affects your starting hand selection and strategy. <strong>Tournament Indicator</strong> calculates everyone at your table’s M-score, giving you a huge advantage when it comes to exploiting those opponent’s mistakes. I should note that you do not have to read Harrington to know what to do with the 'M', this is part of the advice-engine inside this tool - so the mathematically 'correct' action will be suggested by the tool for you!</p> </li> <li> <p>Opponent Profiling, See how often your opponents raise, fold to bets after the flop and whether they always go to showdown once entering a pot… to name just 3 uses of the statistics this tool collects on your opponents. You’ll know which opponents to bluff, who to extract value out of and stop wasting chips trying to push calling stations off of hands – serious information which can help you go deep again and again.</p> </li> </ul><p class="rtecenter"><img alt="Tournament Indicator Review 2014" src="/sites/default/files/images/tools/tournament-indicator-opponent.jpg" style="margin: 5px;" /></p> <ul><li> <p>All-In Situations, Tournament Indicator has a ‘MatchCard’ feature which is used to assess situations late in a tournament where you (and / or an opponent) might be all-in. Together with profiling the type of hands a individual opponent might call or shove with this is very powerful information… no more guessing about whether an all-in or call is profitable, you get the math and make a great decision every time.</p> </li> <li> <p>Odds, Tilt Factor and Customization, I'll group the last 3 features together – though this does not mean they are not powerful! Odds calculations help you in the early stages, the unique ‘Tilt Factor’ software looks at patterns in play to assess the likelihood of an opponent going on Tilt! Customization is for the interface, which does not dominate your screen like many other poker software tools and simply tags to the bottom of your table and offers profitable advice.</p> </li> </ul><p>Well, I know that most beginning tournament players can improve their profits significantly with this kind of information. Imagine what that big score could do for your online poker career! I also believe that experienced players might learn a thing or two from Tournament Indicator. To put this in perspective it would only take fixing one or two small leaks in the mid-game or an error in your push-fold game to help you convert those deep runs into more final tables. You can even check out <em>Tournament Indicator for 7 days with their free trial</em>.</p> <p>I recommend this tool highly – check out <strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tournament Indicator Website</a></strong> for yourself now!</p> <h4>Try other cool poker tools:</h4> <ul><li> <h4><a href="">Holdem Manager 2</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">Tournament Shark</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">VIP Benefits Calculator</a></h4> </li> </ul></div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:19 +0000 Superadmin 2771 at Poker Pro Labs – Poker Calculator Pro Review <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Killer Poker Application Warning!<br /> This Pro Level Poker Calculator Software Will Seriously Increase Your Profits…</h2> <p>Poker Pro Labs are at the cutting edge of poker software tools design – and their flagship tool <strong>Poker Calculator Pro</strong> shows exactly why this group are so widely acclaimed by professional online poker players around the word… While I recommend many of their specific tools (particularly Tournament Shark) the Poker Calculator pro is a fantastic all-rounder, which is <b><em>approved by all of the major poker sites</em></b> – and will boost your bankroll by giving you new insights into equity calculations, odds and outs which even hardened pros need to stay on top of. If you want to stay ahead of the competition online, whether in SNGs, cash games or tournaments - then I recommend you get the best calculator available - from the team at the cutting edge of poker tools development.</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><img src="" /><img src="" /><img src="" /></p> <p>Poker Calculator Pro works by reading the cards from the table, you are then presented with mathematically perfect advice in terms of winning chances, pot odds and the long term expected value of each move – but this is just the start.</p> <p>The real power of Poker Calculator Pro comes from the ability to determine the style and betting tendencies of the opponents you are facing, detect patterns in their play and then give you the best course of action to outplay them at the tables again and again! This kind of edge is huge, and as 1000’s of satisfied users can attest – a significant boost to your poker bankroll right from day 1.</p> <h3>Poker Calculator Pro Review – Summary Of Key Benefits:</h3> <p><img src="" />Your Opponents Are Labeled Based On Play History, Allowing You To Quickly Identify (And Profit From!) The Fish!</p> <p><img src="" />Accurate Odds And Outs Data In Real Time Means That You Can Immediately Spot If A Situation Will Make You Money Or Lose It In The Long Run</p> <p><img src="" />Suggested Actions Based On A Combination Of Your Style, Odds / Outs + The Style Of Opponents Still In The Hand, A Huge Help In Tricky Spots</p> <h3>Poker Calculator Pro - How Does This Compare To Similar Tools</h3> <p>There are plenty of tools out there which do roughly the same tasks, acting as 'advice engines' and calculating your equity for different play options. Here is how I see this pro-level tool in comparison to some of the others:</p> <p>Holdem Indicator: For me this is the beginner version of Poker Calculator Pro. While <a href=""><strong>Holdem Indicator</strong></a> guides newer players through the basic math, positional play and bet sizing (allowing them to learn the game while making a profit), Poker Calculator Pro is the tool which takes you to the next level of understanding. While Indicator gives you the nuts and bolts, Calc Pro fine-tunes your poker decisions and teaches you to exploit each opponent and specific situation for that extra bit of ROI which keeps your profits growing.</p> <p>Holdem Manager 1 / 2: While <a href="" target="_blank">Holdem Manager</a> (either version) collects a giant database of stats based on hands which you play with different opponents, you need to work out for yourself how to use those stats to choose how to play. While you will learn these skills as you go along, there are always hidden leaks inherent in this kind of approach. With integration into the Poker Pro Labs 'Super-HUD' you get a lot of insights into opponents from Poker Calculator Pro. While I still recommend Holdem Indicator for cash game grinders above the lowest levels, Calc Pro can add valuable insights into your game by offering advice on lines to take against different players. When you reach the point of going to 'stats only' (whether with Holdem Manager or Super-HUD) then you will have a lot more insights and creative betting lines to draw from.</p> <h3>Poker Calc Pro Review - Summing It Up + Next Steps</h3> <p>Poker Calculator Pro is the best software in its category and is ideal for both beginning and intermediate level players looking to improve their game and grow their bankrolls. Poker Pro Labs have some fantastic tools, they keep creating and innovating and have now been at the cutting edge of poker software creation for several years. If you have not yet discovered their range then what are you waiting for - some of your opponents are already making money out of you by using them!!</p> <p>I strongly recommend <a href=";bn=17" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><b>Poker Pro Labs Poker Calculator Pro</b></a>, check out how this tool could transform your profits today!</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><a href=";bn=17" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Poker Calculator Pro" src="" /></a></p> <p>Check out my section dedicated to the <a href=""><b>Best Poker Tools</b></a> today to give your game a profitable edge!</p> </div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:18 +0000 Superadmin 2753 at Omaha Indicator Review <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Omaha Indicator Is My Top Choice For PLO and PLO8 Players – By A Long Way!</h2> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Omaha Indicator Review" src=" indicator 125 125.gif" style="float: left; margin: 5px;" /></a>I wish this tool had been around when I first made the transition from over to PLO, it would have saved a lot of time, pain and (most important of all) money!!</p> <p><strong>Omaha Indicator is a real-time odds calculator and virtual assistant which will quite literally transform your profits in PLO and PLO8 games.</strong> Approved by all the major poker sites, this cool Omaha tool profiles opponents and gives you accurate odds and outs information which includes those all important nut-outs... then advises you on the best play for the situation. Omaha Indicator also collects statistics on your opponents and even rates your starting hands.</p> <p>It is easy to see how this tool can transform your profits whether you play Omaha cash games, SNGs or <a href=""><strong>Omaha tournaments</strong></a>. For example, all the draws miss in a hand and you face a huge river bet – how would knowing how often this specific opponent bluffs their missed draws? Or exactlyy what kind of bets they make with a flopped set on a draw-free board ? How about those situations in big pots where you feel you are an underdog but are getting huge pot-odds to call, imagine how would real-time odds and outs calculations could instantly tell you whether your call is profitable over the long run based on your opponent’s stored tendencies??</p> <p>Check Out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Omaha Indicator Website</a> and see a video of this cool tool in action + testimonials from players who have made a profitable transition to Omaha using this powerful software</p> <p>Below is a list of features included in the package – as you read each one you should easily be able to come up with several situations where this could help you win more money or go deep in a tournament!</p> <ul><li>Fast Rating Of Starting Hands: Not only great for those new to Omaha, but allowing more experienced players to focus on the important hands fast and spot situations where a quality hand might actually get you in trouble!</li> <li>100% Accurate Odds And Outs: This is the ‘killer app’ part of the product in our opinion. With so many marginal and unclear situations where there is money in the pot against ranges of hands (even multi-way) that having this information can give you a profitable edge almost immediately.</li> <li>Opponent Profiling: How about a tool which profiles your opponents – you’ll never accidentally try and push that calling station off of the 3rd nut low again!</li> <li>Opponent Statistics: The great thing about opponent stats is that they get more useful as you use the tool more, how often will this opponent fold to continuation bets? How often will they steal? What range of hands will they open with? Serious decision making help in those tricky situations!</li> <li>Nuts Alert! Ok, only a minor feature compared to some of the powerful help above – but when you are multi-tabling it can be easy to miss the nuts?</li> </ul><p>Check Out The <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Omaha Indicator</a> Website Now!</p> <p>Ok, I'm over the anger about not having this tool when I was making the transition myself. It should be clear that a small investment in this software will make a huge difference to your profits from the day you start using it. This is approved by all the poker sites, since it only offers advice and does not 'play for you'. Whether you want to add a couple of percentage points to an already solid Omaha game (whether high only or hi-lo) or are in the process of learning the nuances of this game then Omaha Indicator is a 'no brainer' as far as improving your profits goes.</p> <p>If you needed any more reasons to check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Omaha Indicator</a> for yourself there is even a free trial period. Check out Omaha Indicator now to see it transform your Omaha profits!</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Omaha Indicator" src=" Indicator 468 60.gif" /></a></p> <h4>More Tools:</h4> <ul><li> <h4><a href="">Tournament Indicator Review</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">Poker Calculator Pro Review</a></h4> </li> </ul></div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:17 +0000 Superadmin 2752 at Best Poker Software For MTTs, Tools For Online Poker Tournaments <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>You Can Gain A Profitable Edge In Poker Tournaments Fast<br /> With These Picks Of The Best MTT Poker Tools</h2> <p>Lets face it, it can be tough to get an edge in online poker games these days. Not only do you have to navigate the MTT minefields of 1000's of donks with little respect for anything resembling poker strategy – you have to know who the pro grinders are too.</p> <p>You can gain an immediate advantage over any <strong><a href="">poker tournament</a></strong> field using the best (approved) MTT tools. The ones I list below are all ok to use at the bigger poker sites, who do ban unsuitable tools or those which go too far in automating play.  Instead of seeing the cost of these tools as an expense, I like to look on this in an investment – after all, you only need to reach 1 more final table and you will have paid for the software many times over!</p> <p>There are 2 key tools I will feature below, the first one is ideal for beginning players and the 2nd one for intermediate to experienced poker tournament fans.</p> <h3>Best MTT Poker Tools #1 – Beginners Pick – <span class="red">Tournament Indicator</span></h3> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Beginners Pick – Tournament Indicator" src="" style="float: left; margin: 5px;" /></a>This tool is part advisor and part calculator, with a powerful algorithm which is based on 'M', the ratio of stacks to blinds made famous by pro <a href="">Dan Harrington</a>. What Tournament indicator does is watch you and your opponents play, and give you accurate pot-odds and outs information in any situation. Not only will you be able to avoid mathematical mistakes, you will also receive advice on the best play based on the style of your opponent. Since Tournament Indicator watches every hand it has a good idea of each players starting hand range and likely holdings based on their post flop behavior.</p> <p>Approved by Pokerstars, Party, iPoker and the other major poker sites – this tool is like having a pro advising you while you play. By the time you have 'outgrown' the math advice you should have won many times the cost of this excellent MTT poker tool in tournament winnings.</p> <p align="center" class="style3"><strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">&gt;&gt;Check out the full specification and features for this tool at the Tournament Indictor Website now! &lt;&lt;</a></strong></p> <h3 class="style4">Best MTT Poker Tool #2 – More Experienced Players – <span class="red">Tournament Shark</span></h3> <p class="style3"><a href=";bn=19" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Experienced Poker Players – Tournament Shark" src="" style="margin: 5px; float: right; width: 120px; height: 60px;" /></a>If you already have some tournament experience, the chances are that you are playing several tables at once. While the basic math and odds is easy after a lot of games – there is always a benefit to understanding which of your opponents are sharks and which are fish. This is one of the key strengths of Tournament Shark, which comes from the acclaimed Poker Pro Labs.</p> <p class="style3">This tool attaches to the bottom of each table and gives you win / loss ability and style information for each of the players. This information is presented in a way that is approved by Pokerstars (and the other big sites), yet gives you everything you need to see who is a regular and who is a fish at a quick glance.</p> <p class="style3">Pro Poker Labs have now integrated this tool into their 'Super-HUD' which is a configurable heads-up display, calculator and opponent database all in one. In fact the calculator is the most powerful on the market – the awesome Poker Calculator Pro.</p> <p class="style3">Pro Poker Labs continue to innovate year-after-year. I recommend that any experienced player check out their offerings, the positive effect on your profits will be almost instant!</p> <p align="center" class="style3"><strong><a href=";bn=19" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">&gt;&gt;Check out the Pro Poker Labs Website for a full spec and video. &lt;&lt;</a></strong></p> <p class="style3"><strong>More Reviews Of Popular Poker Tools</strong></p> <ul><li> <h4><a href="">Poker Calculator Pro Review</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">Poker Edge Review</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">SNG Wizard Review</a></h4> </li> <li><strong><a href="">Holdem Manager 2</a></strong></li> </ul></div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:17 +0000 Superadmin 2751 at Best Beginners Poker Tool – Holdem Indicator <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><h2>Beginning Online Texas Holdem Fans Should Definitely Check Out Holdem Indicator<br /> – For Learning + Profit All In One</h2> <p>After reviewing Holdem Indicator, all I will say is that I wish that this <a href="">poker tool</a> had been around for me when I was first learning the online game. What we have here is a powerful combination of features in a tool which will make it's users a lot of money – and at the same time let them easily learn about the best way to handle the betting action at the table in different situations. When I was first learning the game it cost money to 'learn from mistakes'. With Holdem Indicator the powerful advice-engine, reads on opponents and perfect mathematical play combine to ensure that you are never making the same mistakes that most people make while building experience and a bankroll... This is one powerful tool, and one which you can be sure is being used against you!</p> <p>What I like best about this tool is that it is approved for use at all the major poker sites, you will not fall foul of any rules while you are building up a nice pile of cash.</p> <h3>Best Beginners Holdem Cash Games Tool - Holdem Indicator Review</h3> <p>This poker software works by attaching to the bottom of you table and electronically reading your cards, the bets, pot-size, the board cards (flop, turn and river) and also and how often people bet and raise (including re-raise) + cards shown down by your opponents from previous hands.</p> <p>First, Holdem Indicator does all the mathematical calculations for you. This includes some key poker numbers, like equity, pot odds, outs (including backdoor or hidden outs) and so on. Having these numbers 100% right will stop you making simple mistakes, it is easy to miss some outs, or make a bad assumption on your hand equity based on the betting action – especially while playing a busy session. Think for a moment how having this information in real-time can both make you money and save you some too!</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p> <p>You will also receive advice on Sklansky hand rankings and position at the table (both relative and absolute position are important factors). This system from the author of the ‘theory Of Poker’ is widely respected by professionals and amateurs alike – once you get used to it you will never select an incorrect hand again.</p> <h3>Best Beginners Texas Holdem Tool – Holdem Indicator Also Reads Your Opponents</h3> <p>For me the math and equity advice makes this tool worth the price over and again, however I have yet to get to the real killer function – the ability to read opponents based on their betting and previously shown down hands!</p> <p>Holdem Indicator will watch how your opponents play, how often they enter the pot, how aggressive or passive they are and also look at their shown-down cards to reverse-engineer their thought processes. It will then combine this information with the math part we already discussed – and highlight the most profitable move for you. For example, the chances of opponents having the nuts will be affected by how their hand selections change with position, their bet sizing and the 'texture' of the flop. The powerful advice enging inside Holdem Indicator will take all of these factors into account - and advise you on a best action. This tool will even be able to tell the difference between a 'value' bet (with a monster hand) and a bluff representing a value bet a large percentage of the time, imagine how much money this knowledge alone could save you!!</p> <p>I’ll repeat, you are learning the game by using this tool – you can also make money, in some cases a hell of a lot of money. Compare this to the 'old days' of trial and error and you quickly see why this tool is worth an investment.</p> <p class="rtecenter" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><b>&gt;&gt; Click Here To Check Out The Holdem Indicator Website For Yourself Now! &lt;&lt;</b></a></p> <h3>Holdem Indicator – Is It Legal To Use At Major Poker Sites?</h3> <p>Easy answer here, yes, Holdem Indicator is approved by the major poker sites – you can see the full list on their website. This advice engine only highlights the best move, it does not actually play for you – and therefore stays within the rules.</p> <p>Don’t put up with guesswork any longer – read the testimonials from real players just like you - then grab your trial copy of this amazing beginners poker tool over at the Holdem Indicator website!</p> <h4>More Reviews Of Popular Poker Tools</h4> <ul><li> <h4><a href="">Poker Calculator Pro Review</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">Poker Edge Review</a></h4> </li> <li> <h4><a href="">Tournament Shark Review</a></h4> </li> <li> <p><strong><a href="">Holdem Manager 2</a></strong></p> </li> </ul></div></div></div> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:01:17 +0000 Superadmin 2750 at